Michelle Vollmar

655 Craig Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA


I am a licensed clinical social worker with advanced training and over a decade of experience as a DBT skills group facilitator and therapist. I am a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and a state-registered supervisor for master levels social workers seeking clinical licensure. I am a year or so in to my my learning about and implementation of Compassion- Focused Therapy.

I have spent the majority of my career working with survivors of trauma – specifically interpersonal violence including domestic and sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse – in non-profit settings. I have recently moved into private practice, where I offer DBT-informed and Compassion-Focused individual therapy, licensure supervision, and Mindful Self-Compassion classes for professional caregivers.

Therapist information


Master of Social Work

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Individuals, Groups, Organisations

Live session with Russel Kolts through Practice Ground learning community - introducing CFT with anger and use of chair work. 8-week live online CFT course with Dr. Dennis Tirch and Dr. Laura Silberstein-Tirch. Compassionate Mind Foundation 4-day Retreat and Summit in Sparkill, NY. Self-study/reading: A Compassionate Mind, Paul Gilbert; CFT Made Simple, Russel Kolts; Mindful Compassion, Paul Gilbert; Experiencing Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out, Russel Kolts.

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Aviva Kamander

Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, NY 10543, USA

I am a licensed clinical social worker with advanced training and over a decade of experience as a DBT skills group facilitator and therapist. I am a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and a state-registered supervisor for master levels social workers seeking clinical licensure. I am a year or so in to my my learning about and implementation of Compassion- Focused Therapy.

I have spent the majority of my career working with survivors of trauma – specifically interpersonal violence including domestic and sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse – in non-profit settings. I have recently moved into private practice, where I offer DBT-informed and Compassion-Focused individual therapy, licensure supervision, and Mindful Self-Compassion classes for professional caregivers.

Dennis Tirch PhD

150 East 58th Street, New York, NY, USA, 27th Floor

I am a licensed clinical social worker with advanced training and over a decade of experience as a DBT skills group facilitator and therapist. I am a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and a state-registered supervisor for master levels social workers seeking clinical licensure. I am a year or so in to my my learning about and implementation of Compassion- Focused Therapy.

I have spent the majority of my career working with survivors of trauma – specifically interpersonal violence including domestic and sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse – in non-profit settings. I have recently moved into private practice, where I offer DBT-informed and Compassion-Focused individual therapy, licensure supervision, and Mindful Self-Compassion classes for professional caregivers.

Dr. Kimberly Sogge

Ottawa, ON K2P 0S2, Canada

I am a licensed clinical social worker with advanced training and over a decade of experience as a DBT skills group facilitator and therapist. I am a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and a state-registered supervisor for master levels social workers seeking clinical licensure. I am a year or so in to my my learning about and implementation of Compassion- Focused Therapy.

I have spent the majority of my career working with survivors of trauma – specifically interpersonal violence including domestic and sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse – in non-profit settings. I have recently moved into private practice, where I offer DBT-informed and Compassion-Focused individual therapy, licensure supervision, and Mindful Self-Compassion classes for professional caregivers.