I offer workshops in English and in French: Compassionate Mind Training, Managing Self-Criticism/L’Entrainement de l’esprit à la compassion, la gestion de notre auto-critique. I work in a college counselling service and am affiliated with La Clinique de Psychologie Celia Lillo in the Plateau area of Montreal.
Therapist information
English, French, Spanish
M.A. Religious Studies, M.Ed. Counselling Psychology
Member of OPQ 10687-06
I did a CMT with Compassionate Mind Italia and Paul Gilbert in 2016, an on-line CMT with Dennis and Laura Tirch in 2016, an introductory webinar with Chris Irons in 2018. I have begun supervision with Nicola Petrocchi which is on-going. I have numerous other relevant workshop trainings including 7hrs with Louis Cozolino, 7hrs with Chris Germer, as well as a 28 hour intensive on how to run mindfulness groups with Simon Gregoire, UQAM and am KORSA certified. I am very interested in developing a Montreal Peer Support Group for professionals inspired by CFT.