Nikolai Pavlov, RP, UKCP

11 Ordnance Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, M6K 0H4


I specialize in helping individuals who struggle with a range of psychological difficulties, using psychotherapeutic methods that are tailored to your unique needs. I’m using Compassion-Focused therapy as a core of my practice in combintation with specific treatment for complex trauma and dissociation like Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment. Trained in ACT, CPT, Hakomi and Gestalt therapy.

My therapeutic and supervision services are available in both English and Russian and are conducted online.

Therapist information

English, Russian

Postgraduate Diploma

Ontario Colledge of Registered Psychotherapists (Canada) and UKCP (UK)

Individuals, Groups

Series of CFT basic and advanced workshops including PTSD, CPTSD and Dissociative disorders treatment. Consultations in group supervision with Dr. Paul Gilbert.

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Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, NY 10543, USA

I specialize in helping individuals who struggle with a range of psychological difficulties, using psychotherapeutic methods that are tailored to your unique needs. I’m using Compassion-Focused therapy as a core of my practice in combintation with specific treatment for complex trauma and dissociation like Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment. Trained in ACT, CPT, Hakomi and Gestalt therapy.

My therapeutic and supervision services are available in both English and Russian and are conducted online.

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425 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, USA

I specialize in helping individuals who struggle with a range of psychological difficulties, using psychotherapeutic methods that are tailored to your unique needs. I’m using Compassion-Focused therapy as a core of my practice in combintation with specific treatment for complex trauma and dissociation like Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment. Trained in ACT, CPT, Hakomi and Gestalt therapy.

My therapeutic and supervision services are available in both English and Russian and are conducted online.

Nancy Ring, LCSW

225 West 35th Street suite 701, New York, NY, USA

I specialize in helping individuals who struggle with a range of psychological difficulties, using psychotherapeutic methods that are tailored to your unique needs. I’m using Compassion-Focused therapy as a core of my practice in combintation with specific treatment for complex trauma and dissociation like Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment. Trained in ACT, CPT, Hakomi and Gestalt therapy.

My therapeutic and supervision services are available in both English and Russian and are conducted online.