
Anne Hilder

Liverpool L7 8YE

Individuals, Groups, Online

I completed the Post Graduate Certificate in CFT in 2015 via the University of Derby with Wendy Wood as course leader and Paul Gilbert teaching. I have subsequently completed further CFT workshops over the years including: Chair work (Tobyn Bell), Group Work (Kate Lucre), Trauma (Deborah Lee), Physical Health (Zoe Malpus), Anger (Russell Kolts) and Supervision of Supervisors (Kate Lucre and Wendy Wood).

I have worked in mental health services since 1996 and as NHS Psychotherapist since 2006. Currently I am employed as a principal psychotherapist in an NHS Foundation Trust within health psychology.

I work part-time for the NHS but also have a small private practice where I offer therapy and supervision remotely.

I have offered therapy and supervision both individually and in groups and have worked with a range of different psychological issues and mental health difficulties including depression, anxiety, psychosis, eating disorders and as well as the impact of living with a chronic health condition.

I am accredited with the BABCP and with EMDR UK and EMDR Europe.

Graeme Tainsh

Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland FK8 2AU

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

Introduction to theory and practice – 3 days with Tobyn Bell (Compassionate Mind Foundation) 2022 CFT for Groups – 3 days with Dr Kate Lucre (Compassionate Mind Foundation) 2023 Clinical Supervision & CFT – 1.5 days with Dr Paul Gilbert (Compassionate Mind Foundation) 2024 Creative Supervision & CFT – 1.5 days with Dr Kate Lucre (Compassionate Mind Foundation) 2024 CFT & PTSD – 1 day with Dr Deborah Lee (CBT Works) 2022 CFT & Trauma – 1 day with Dr Chris Irons 2022 CFT & Forensic Practice – 1 day with Dr Jon Taylor & Dr Karensa Hocken (BABCP) 2022 I maintain separate monthly supervision sessions with Dr Kate Lucre in the delivery of CFGP and CFSS. I also receive monthly supervision from Dr Katie Baughan in the delivery of CFT.

I have a clinical background spanning over 10 years and have experience of working with people across the lifespan, within the role as a Registered Mental Health Nurse and Psychotherapist. I have maintained various employments within NHS services working with children, adolescents, families and adults and have worked with more complex mental health and neurodevelopmental problems in children and young people. Of central importance is my experience working with those who have experienced trauma and maltreatment, particularly from a young age and where neurodevelopmental concerns, such as Autism and ADHD, are present.

I have has also led workshops, webinars and lectures on various mental health related issues, often to undergraduate nursing students at the University of Stirling. Out with my clinical work I have experience and an active portfolio of Quality Improvement (QI) work with a keen focus of using QI methodology to implement and evaluate therapeutic services. I am also a supervisor for those qualified and delivering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT).

I hold a specialist interest in maltreatment associated psychological problems, and works well with those who have experienced psychological trauma. Clinically I hold specialist training and interest in the delivery of Compassion Focused Therapy, of central importance Compassion Focused Group Psychotherapy (CFGP), and Compassion Focused Staff Support. I maintain monthly supervision with Dr Kate Lucre within the delivery of both approaches. I am also interested in the application of CFT within both a Coaching and a Family Therapy framework.

Natali Gumiy

Capitán Ramón Freire 2584, 1428 Argentina, Buenos Aires

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have been training at CFT since 2018. My first training experience was in New York at the first summit held in New York. After this first training I have been trained in various workshops offered by Compassionate Mind in online format. I have done CFT introduction by Prof. Paul Gilbert. The advances Clinical Skills also offered by Prof. Paul Gilbert. The Compassionate Mind training by Prof. Paul Gilbert. Darcy Harris on Bereavement and CFT. With Marcela Matos and Stand Steindl on Shame and CFT. With Deborah Lee on CFT and Trauma. With Chris Irons on CFT for Difficult Emotions. With Dennis Tirch and Laura Silberstein on Compassion Focused Therapy and ACT. With Russel Kolts on Compassion Focused Therapy and CFT for Anger. And since 2020 I lead the CFT training project in Argentina, which leads me to deepen and update myself constantly. I am part of the research team that together with Compassionate Mind is evaluating the synergy of the use of psilocybin and Compassion. I have participated in the Conferences offered every year since 202 by the Compassionate Mind, both in person and virtually. During 2023 and 2024 I have participated and completed my studies in the Diploma in CFT awarded by the Compassionate Mind Foundation, having completed all instances of participation and evaluation.

A clinical psychologist, founding member of Motivacion Compasiva, an institution that promotes the study, research and various forms of application of Compassion Focused Therapy in Argentina. She currently coordinates the training and supervision programmes in Compassion Focus Therapy for health professionals at Motivacion Compasiva.

Member of the research team of the project ‘Psychedelics and Compassion’ project coordinated by Motivacion Compasiva, the Cocuco laboratory, Consciousness, Culture and Complexity and the Compassionate Mind Foundation, Uk.

Facilitator of programs, classes, workshops and retreats on Compassion and Mindfulness in Academic training institutions in Argentina and other countries.

Member of the development team of the Presence in Education Programme. Programme aimed at psychoeducation in Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Compassion for teachers, an initiative of the Vivir Agradecidos Foundation.

I am driven by curiosity, study and research into the various ways in which we humans can expand our potential through meditation, psychedelics, movement and art in synergy with compassion.

Dr Natasha Vorontsova

Resonance Psychology, Unit 4B, Ivory Wharf, Elephant Lane, London, SE16 4JD

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have delivered CFT as a qualified Clinical Psychologist for nine years. Over the last six years, since transitioning into a senior role, I have also supervised other psychologists and CBT therapists in delivering CFT. I have clinical supervision on a regular basis with Dr Chris Irons. CFT training attended: Two days basic CFT teaching as part of my Clinical Doctorate Two days CFT for Psychosis

I believe that talking therapy can enrich life, by helping us to identify what is really important and to focus our energies effectively, as well as addressing difficulties or stuck points. My areas of expertise include helping people to overcome depression, increase motivation, manage worries, resolve conflicts and improve communication in relationships. My clients describe me as friendly, professional and a good listener.

I am a bilingual Clinical Psychologist, and can offer my clients sessions in English or Russian. Alongside my work as a Senior Psychologist in the NHS, I offer independent consultation, assessments, talking therapy and group workshops. I am Chartered by the British Psychological Society, and accredited by the Health and Care Professions Council. I am experienced in providing individually tailored, evidence based therapies, as recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence.

I am passionate about working with people who have experienced stress, distress or difficulties with mental health, as well as those who want to develop their communication skills and improve relationships with others. I specialise in cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), as well as narrative, solution-focused and systemic approaches. I work flexibly, integrating multiple therapeutic models to meet the needs and preferences of each individual.

Pamela Ginn

Moseley, Birmingham

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have clinical supervision training with the British Psychology Society and have recently completed Creative Compassion Focused Therapy supervision training with the Compassionate Mind Foundation. I am trained in Integrative Psychotherapy, Person Centred Creative Arts and have completed a level 7 Graduate Diploma in Compassion Focused Therapy. I am also a qualified teacher. I provide 1:2:1 and group Compassion Focused Therapy techniques.

I can provide support for professionals working within therapeutic services. I can facilitate group supervision, 3-6 participants and 1:2:1 supervision.

My practice is holistic drawing on my experience as a creative therapeutic facilitator.

I have worked as a therapist for over 8 years.

I have experience working with a range of different client groups. My main specialism is working with clients who have experienced sexual trauma and or neglect.

Víviam Vargas de Barros

Avenida Prefeito Geraldo Eustáquio Reis, 2640 ap 504. Rua Nova. Viçosa – Minas Gerais Brazil Postcode: 36570-406

Individuals, Groups, Online

Participated of the 3-day workshop offered by Paul Gilbert in Buenos Aires in November, 2019 Professional Training in CFT offered in a three-module course by professor Gonzalo Brito from February, 2020 to September, 2021 CMF Workshop of CFT for grief with Darcy Harris in May, 2023 Diploma in CFT offered by the Compassionate Mind Foundation (CMF) conclusion in June 2024 CMF Workshop of Clinical Supervision and Compassion Focused Therapy in April 2024 Regarding clinical experience, I have been working with CFT since the beginning of 2020 with an average of 20 weekly hours.

Founding partner of the Center for the Promotion of Mindfulness. Clinical Psychologist, Master in Psychology (UFJF), PhD in Sciences, where (UNIFESP), where was also a founding member of the Brazilian Center for Research and Training in Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP Brazil).
Certified in Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Advanced Teacher Training in MBRP from the Centre for Addiction Treatment Studies – Warminster UK. Training in the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT program by Stanford University and Nirakara Institute (Spain) and in the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Program offered by Mente Aberta, in partnership with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. Finishing the Diploma in Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Compassionate Mind Foundation and member of the Compassionate Mind Association (CMF affiliate in Brazil).
I offer online CFT clinical psychotherapy and supervision.

Fernanda Passoni de Oliveira

R. Mario Amaral, 299 – Paraíso CP 04002-021 São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Individuals, Groups, Online

* Creative Supervision in Compassion Focused Therapy (Supervisão Criativa em Terapia Focada na Compaixão) - Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conclusão: junho/2024 * Clinical Supervision in Compassion Focused Therapy (Supervisão Clínica em Terapia Focada na Compaixão) - Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conclusão: abril/2024 * Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision in Compassion Focused Therapy (Fundamentos em Supervisão Clínica em Terapia Focada na Compaixão) - Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conclusão: março/2024 * Diploma in Compassion Focused Therapy - Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conclusão: junho/23 * Compassion Focused Therapy: Advanced Clinical Skills - Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conclusão: fevereiro/21 * Formação em Terapia Cognitiva Narrativa & Focada na Compaixão Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Conclusão: setembro/18

I am a clinical psychologist with a degree and a master’s from the University of São Paulo, specialized in the treatment of anxiety, severe self-criticism, stress, and depression. As a therapist, my goal is to help people understand the origin of their difficulties and develop wisdom, courage, and commitment to live the life they wish to have!
Over the years, I have utilized therapeutic processes centered on Mindfulness and Compassion, observing profound and positive results in the transformation and development of emotional balance in my patients.
I have been working in the field since 2006, and I am a founding member of the Brazilian Association for Compassion-Focused Therapy, an institution dedicated to training and research in Compassion-Focused Therapy, affiliated with the Compassionate Mind Foundation UK and I am currently a supervisor in Associação Mente Compassiva Brasil.
My primary qualifications are in Compassion-Focused Therapy (Compassionate Mind Foundation), Teacher Training in the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Program (UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness), Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy (UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness), Contemplative Psychotherapy (Nalanda Institute – NY), and Somatic Experiencing® for Trauma. As a supervisor, I received training from the Compassionate Mind Foundation for supervisors, with Wendy Wood, Paul Gilbert, and Kate Lucre as my instructors.
Psychotherapy is a skilful means by which we can flourish and discover our wisdom and best version of ourselves. I am passionate about my profession and deeply grateful to every person I have had and have the privilege to work with in collaboration!

Portuguese version

Sou psicóloga clínica com gradução e metrado pela Universidade de São Paulo, especializada no tratamento da ansiedade, autocrítica severa, estresse e depressão. Como terapeuta, meu objetivo é ajudar as pessoas a entenderem a origem de suas dificuldades e a desenvolverem sabedoria, coragem e comprometimento para viverem a vida que desejam ter!

Ao longo dos anos tenho utilizado processos terapêuticos centrados em Mindfulness e Compaixão e observado resultados profundos e positivos de transformação e desenvolvimento do equilíbrio emocional em meus pacientes.

Atuo na área desde 2006, sendo membro fundadora da Associação Brasileira de Terapia Focada na Compaixão – instituição para formação e pesquisa em Terapia Focada na Compaixão, filiada à Compassionate Mind Fountation UK.

Minhas principais formações são em Terapia Focada na Compaixão (Compassionate Mind Foundation), Teacher Trained do Programa Mindfulness e Autocompaixão (UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness), Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy (UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness), Psicoterapia Contemplativa (Nalanda Institute – NY) e Terapia Somática para o Trauma (Somatic Experiencing®). Como supervisora, recebi treinamento pela Compassionate Mind Foundation para supervisores, tendo como professores Wendy Wood, Paul Gilbert e Kate Lucre.

A psicoterapia é um meio hábil pelo qual podemos florescer e descobrir nossa sabedoria e nossa melhor versão. Sou apaixonada pela minha profissão e profundamente agradecida a cada pessoa que tive e tenho o privilégio de trabalhar em colaboração!

Pablo Carrasco Descalzo

c/ Pintor Vilar 1, J-20, 46010, Valencia, España.

Groups, Online

In 2015 Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy. Dr. Paul Gilbert In 2016 Advanced Skills in Compassion Focused Therapy. Dr. Paul Gilbert. In 2023 Advanced Clinical Skills in Compassion Focused Therapy. Dr. Andrew Rayner. Taking the Fundamentals of Currently Clinical Supervision in Compassion Focused Therapy course. Currently supervising a group of professionals through the Compassionate Mind Spain Association.

I began my training in Compassion Focus Therapy in 2015 with Dr. Paul Gilbert. In 2016 I took the advanced course. Since then I have been including the foundations of CFT in my own personal and professional practice as a psychologist, supporting it with the reading of manuals and scientific articles.

In 2022 I began to collaborate in the Compassionate Mind Spain Association and I am currently part of the association’s board of directors and the teaching team.

Dr. Katie Baird

Clifton House, Fitzwilliam St. Lwr., Dublin 2, Ireland D02XT91

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have completed the CMF pathway of Introduction, Advanced, and Retreat workshops. I have also attended additional training with Prof Paul Gilbert and Drs. Chris Irons, Deborah Lee, Charlie Heriot-Maitland, Kate Lucre, Russell Kolts, Neil Clapton, and Syd Hiskey as well as Deirdre Fay. I am a regular delegate at the annual CMF conference and a member of the CFT and the Body Special Interest Group. I feel very privileged to belong to such an amazing community of people. I completed formal supervisor training as part of my doctorate. This involved reviewing taped individual supervision sessions with my supervisor, and co-facilitating supervision groups with her. There was also a theory / coursework component of this training. I am registered to begin the CMF supervisor training pathway this year. I attend monthly supervision with Dr. Neil Clapton. I have over 30 years experience working in the area of psychology and mental health. Earlier in my career I worked mainly with children and adolescents, and worked in an outpatient service for children who had experienced sexual abuse. My work now is with adults.

Katie is the founder of the Irish Centre for Compassion Focused Therapy, which she started in 2017 as a way to increase access to CFT for people in Ireland. Katie’s main clinical work involves using CFT with individuals. She also provides individual and group supervision.
Katie has been learning about and providing CFT since 2013. She tries to live the model as well as using it in her clinical work. Katie has participated in training with the Compassionate Mind Foundation, published research on CFT outcomes and processes, and received supervision from members of the CFT community. She welcomes queries from people looking for CFT specific supervision.

Lena Højgård Isager

Østrevej 32, 8210 Århus V. Denmark

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

My first workshop with Paul Gilbert was in 2008. 4-5 retreats with Paul Gilbert and Choden and with Deborah Lee A 2 year program in Denmark I have been on the compassionate mind conference 10 times Workshops of many kinds over the years. A Scandinavian supervision group with Paul once a month for several years.

I have been doing CFT supervision since 2009, and have had supervision workshop and supervision from Paul Gilbert.

Mirjam Tanner

Winterthurerstr. 23 8180 Bülach

Individuals, Online, In Person

Since 2013 training in CFT in Derby, online and at the CFT conferences Since 2024 online training in clinical CFT supervision with Wendy Wood and Paul Gilbert

• 2013: First CFT workshop with Paul Gilbert
• 2015: starting offering CFT as form of psychotherapy
• 2017: starting offering CFT Intro-workshops and trainings for therapists and C/O
• Publishing of two CFT books in German language:
– 2015: CFT; Mitgefühl im Fokus, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, (for therapists)
– 2020: Selbstmitgefühl bei psychischen Störungen, Balance Medien Verlag (a CFT self-help book)
• 2020: Co-leading the Center for Compassion in Practice (CiP) in Bülach, Switzerland

• 2025: we start offering a CFT in-depth training over 18 months on German language.
Part is online and part is in presence. For more information go to: and
• Personal background: my CFT practice is influenced by my former psychotherapy trainings which are: psycho-dynamic psychotherapy; body-psychotherapy (George Downing); EMDR ; Egostates, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Sarah Benkwitz

Birmingham, UK

Individuals, Groups, Online

I offer Compassion Focused Supervision, bringing compassion into the supervision process itself for an experiential and relational learning experience. With safeness and courage, we can develop your CFT or integrative practice, cultivate your 'compassionate therapist self', and support/empower you as a human being. Half my week is spent supporting colleagues with supervision and training, including supervision for the CFT Diploma. I'm an experienced CFT therapist, working with adults with Complex Trauma/Anxiety/Depression in private practice (formerly NHS IAPT/CMHT), and I also draw on ACT and EMDR. My training includes the CMF's supervisor training, as well as many CFT workshops and conferences including advanced clinical skills, chairwork, personal practice, PDs and attachment problems, FBRs and trauma. I have regular CFT supervision and supervision-of-supervision. I have a certificate in supervision from the University of Birmingham (2015) and am a BABCP Accredited Supervisor.

Please provide an overview of your experience as a CFT therapist and supervisor including training and workshops you have attended on CFT and supervision.

I offer Compassion Focused Supervision, bringing compassion into the supervision process itself for an experiential and relational learning experience. With safeness and courage, we can develop your CFT or integrative practice, cultivate your ‘compassionate therapist self’, and support/empower you as a human being. Half my week is spent supporting colleagues with supervision and training, including supervision for the CFT Diploma. I’m an experienced CFT therapist, working with adults with Complex Trauma/Anxiety/Depression in private practice (formerly NHS IAPT/CMHT), and I also draw on ACT and EMDR. My training includes the CMF’s supervisor training, as well as many CFT workshops and conferences including advanced clinical skills, chairwork, personal practice, PDs and attachment problems, FBRs and trauma. I have regular CFT supervision and supervision-of-supervision. I have a certificate in supervision from the University of Birmingham (2015) and am a BABCP Accredited Supervisor.

Naoko Yamafuji

10 Misago-dani, Fuchu-machi, Toyama, Japan 939-2638

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

【CFT training】 CFT introduction/Paul Gilbert & James Kirby/ 2019/Tokyo, Japan CFT Advanced Clinical Skills/Paul Gilbert & James Kirby/Online/2022 Japan/as a Power Point Translator CFT Difficult Cases/Paul Gilbert/Online/@Compassionate Mind Foundation CFT for Difficult Emotions/Chris Iron/Online/2021 Japan/as a Power Point Translator CFT for Anger/Russel Kolts/Online/2022 Japan/as a Power Point Translator CFT for Trauma/Debra Lee/Online/@Compassionate Mind Foundation CFT for Parenting/James Kirby/Online/2022 Japan/as a Power Point Translator CFT for people with attachment and Relational Trauma/Kate Lucre/Online/2023 Japan/as a Power Point Translator 【Supervision】 Offer Compassion Focused Supervision (compassionate, warm, empowering, and present) in a private practice setting – either online or in person in Japan. 【experience】 7-12 cases per week at psychiatry clinic and a private practice as a certified clinical psychologist in Japan. practicing CFT since 2019. Practicing psychotherapy since 2002. My specialist areas are working with adults with C-PTSD and Depression. I also practice Mindful Self-Compassion as a SCIP(Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy @Center for Mindful Self-Compassion) program graduate. Now, I am also in training of SE and AEDP.

Dr. Brian Garvey

Dun Laoghaire Therapy Centre 98 Patrick Street Dun Laoghaire Dublin A96 R282

Individuals, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have completed CFT training with Prof. Paul Gilbert and others within the Compassionate Mind Foundation including Deborah Lee, Chris Irons, Charlie Heriot-Maitland and Kate Lucre. In recent years I have attended a number of training courses related to Chair Work in CFT delivered by Tobyn Bell and Matthew Pugh, which I now incorporate into the psychological therapy and clinical supervision that I offer.

I am a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with approximately 15 years’ experience in a range of settings within the public health service in the UK and Ireland, including Community Mental Health Teams, inpatient psychiatric and eating disorder units, and a personality disorder service.

Currently, I work as an Associate of the Irish Centre for CFT and in independent practice. The latter involves providing psychological therapy to a diverse client group that includes elite athletes and people who experience significant stress or traumatic response in relation to their professional roles.

Most of my roles have involved providing ad hoc psychological consultation and/or ongoing supervision to mental health professionals including Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychologists in Training, Psychiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Community Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Assistants. I have established reflective practice groups on inpatient units, designed and delivered team formulation sessions in multi-disciplinary teams, and set up Personal & Professional Development groups for psychologists in training. I am now able to offer clinical supervision in a private practice setting – either online or in person in Dublin. I would be delighted to hear from you if you are interested in discussing your supervision needs.

Dr Anna Brooks

Princess of Wales Hospital Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan Wales.

Individuals, Groups, Online, In Person

I have undertaken extensive training in CFT including CFT Basic and Advanced Clinical Skills training with Mary Welford and Deborah Lee. I also completed a yearlong specialist CFT placement working with Dr Sophie Mayhew. I have lots of experience in delivering compassion-focused therapy in one to one and group therapy settings within NHS mental health services. I have attended the London Compassion Focused Therapy Special Interest Group facilitated by Dr Chris Irons.

My name is Dr Anna Brooks. I am a Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered Principle Psychologist with a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. I am accredited as a supervisor with the British Association of Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), and I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS). I work in South Wales and I am trained in a range of therapeutic approaches including Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). I have worked in NHS Services for thirteen years and specialised in working with older people with a range of mental health presentations including cognitive functioning difficulties.  I have also worked with people children and adolescents who have experienced a wide range of difficulties including depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), fluctuating moods/emotional instability, trauma based difficulties, personality disorders, relationship difficulties and low self-worth/shame.

In my professional experiences so far, I am always struck by the theme of self-criticism and shame that many people experience.  Using CFT in particular is always powerful in being able to help people to develop a compassionate mind to help strengthen their compassion skills to help facilitate positive change in their lives.

Dr Tobyn Bell

Manchester UK


I have been practicing as a CFT therapist for over ten years, working with individuals and groups. I work as a trainer for the Compassionate Mind Foundation, delivering the official introductory training and chairwork training. I have been supervised by Prof. Paul Gilbert and continue to have regular CFT supervision. I am an active researcher in CFT and have published research papers, and book chapters and co-authored a book on the therapy. My PhD, supervised by Prof. Paul Gilbert, was on CFT chairwork. I deliver workshops nationally and internationally on chairwork and CFT. I work as a lecturer and operational lead at the University of Manchester I have a PhD which focused on CFT and chairwork. I have been practicing CFT for over ten years. I work as an official trainer for the Compassionate Mind Foundation and run regional CFT supervision groups.

Dr Laura Twist

Lancaster UK

Individuals, Groups, Online

I am a clinical psychologist, supervisor and trainer specialising in CFT. I have been using CFT in my practice for over ten years, having attended many CFT workshops (including the three day introductory training, advanced clinical skills, CFT approaches to trauma, working with people who hear voices, chair work, compassionate leadership, and compassion focused staff support). I completed a one year postgraduate certificate in CFT at the University of Derby in 2017. I receive monthly specialist CFT supervision, and have done so for the last seven years. I co-founded and co-facilitate a local CFT peer supervision group, which has been running for five years, as well as providing individual CFT supervision for a range of psychologists and therapists. I regularly deliver CFT training to trainee clinical psychologists, and have delivered a range of CFT workshops and training sessions within my NHS trust. I have a particular interest in staff wellbeing and compassion in teams and organisations, having worked in a staff wellbeing service for two years and developing and delivering a range of compassion-focused interventions (at individual, group, and system/organisational level) during this time.

Dr Kate Lucre

Birmingham UK

Individuals, Groups, Online, In Person

I am a Birmingham UK based Compassion Focused Therapist and Supervisor specialising in the use of CFT for complex trauma, personality and relational difficulties for groups and individual . I am the regional supervision coordinator for the Compassionate Mind Foundation and also run workshops for the Foundation and across the UK on CFT for Groups and Compassion Focused Staff Support and Supervision. I offer CFT supervision in groups and individually, including a monthly international Supervision Group for therapists involved in the provision of CFT groups. I have published data on Compassion Focused Group Psychotherapy and have completed a PhD in CFT at Birmingham University evaluating a 12 month CFGP programme for people with severe personality disorder. I am also involved in a number of UK wide research projects developing and evaluating Compassion Focused Staff Support Initiatives.

Hazel McCrystal

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Individuals, Groups, Online

I successfully completed the PG Cert in Compassion Focused Therapy at Derby University in 2016. Prior to this I completed CBT training in 2010. I was introduced to Compassion Focused Therapy in 2010 and began working in this way following attendance to workshops via the Compassionate Mind Foundation. I have kept my Mental Health Nursing registration up to date. I have completed internal NHS trust courses in supervision as well as attending the BABCP Compassion Focused Supervision workshop in 2018. I receive 1:1 CFT supervision with Tobyn Bell. I am a working member of the BABCP Compassion SIG. I have provided group CFT supervision for trainee medics and I currently provide CFT 1:1 supervision within the trust I work in as well as externally.

Greg Samuelson

89 Delayne Drive Aurora, ON Canada L4G 5B5

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

If you are a dedicated mental health professional seeking guidance and supervision to enhance your skills in using the model of Compassion Focused Therapy, I would be happy to speak with you regarding consultation/supervision. I am a highly experienced Registered Nurse and Registered Psychotherapist, with over 30 years of experience in the mental health field and I would be happy to support you on your journey. I have extensive background in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I specialize in Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) in individual psychotherapy. I have engaged in extensive training and consultation with Paul Gilbert and senior trainers in the CFT community. I have training and experience in using CFT for Anxiety, OCD, PTSD and Trauma, Depression, Psychosis, and other difficulties. I also have training in other in evidence-based therapies including CBT, DBT, IPT, and Mindfulness-based therapies. I integrate interventions from these therapies into CFT to each address each client's unique needs, offering them a comprehensive and effective therapeutic experience. I have a strong commitment to professional development and sharing knowledge. My passion for Compassion Focused Therapy led me to become a founding member of the Canadian Network - Compassion Focused Therapy - Réseau Canadien. I facilitate online CFT peer consultation groups and in-person meetings for therapists in Toronto, fostering a collaborative community of learning and growth. I also practice and teach in the Korean Ganhwasoen (Koan Zen) tradition, having received Dharma Transmission from my teacher in 2013.

Eli Cookson

Antibes France

Individuals, Groups, Online, In Person

I am both clinical and pastoral counselor, and a psychodynamic psychotherapist, and I work as a private practitioner, first responder and supervisor. I started training in 2006 at the Institute of Counselling in Glasgow specialising in Couples and Family issues, Grief and Bereavement, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. I then continued with courses related to Couples and Family issues and Traumas at TCCR, Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, followed by training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at the University of Essex and pursued more studies at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. I completed a post-graduate psychotherapy degree at the psychiatric at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 / CHU hospital Vinatier in Lyon and continued with residential and summer schools at TCCR to further her experience in relationships and families. In 2017 I was introduced to CFT by Chris Irons and throughout the years I have continued my training in CFT, which I now essentially apply in therapy. I facilitate the online European CFT peer support and intervention group. Training: Basic Skills in CFT and Advanced Clinical Skills in CFT training by Chris Irons and Professor Paul Gilbert, Compassion Focused Therapy for Groups with Kate Lucre, CFT and Depression, Application Pratique with D.F. Gheysen and Prof P. Gilbert, Developing CFT and Complex cases by Prof. Paul Gilbert, Developing as a Clinical Supervisor for CFT therapists. Experience: I have been in private practice since 2011 and have been working with CFT since 2018, also in group settings.

Dr Naomi Bright


Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I have completed an Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy with Dr Chris Irons 2019 followed by the postgraduate certificate in CFT at the University of Derby in 2020. I attend a significant interest group 6 weekly and the annual conference as well as engaging in my own reading to keep up to date with the practice of CFT. I regularly use CFT in my NHS work, in hospital staff support and in my previous role working with adults with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, with individual clients, teams and organisations. I have delivered training in CFT to the local University clinical psychology doctorate and within the teams and NHS trusts I have worked in, including facilitating Compassionate Mind Training Groups, for which I was supervised by Dr Chris Irons. I am qualified in supervision of Trainee Clinical Psychologists and have experience supervising other professionals. I also have a small private practice. I am enthusiastic about supporting people to work with CFT- please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Dr Shelley Kerr

Bristol UK

Individuals, Groups, Online

I began learning about CFT in 2011 and started formal CFT training in 2013. I started with the introduction to CFT, went on to complete the Advanced CFT training, and then took a deep dive into studying CFT by completing the Post-Graduate Certificate in CFT at the University of Derby under the tuition of Professor Paul Gilbert, and supervision of Dr Mary Welford. I have gained much from regular supervision with Dr Chris Irons and Dr Kate Lucre, both of whom I’ve been working with for many years. I have completed so many wonderful CFT specialist workshops since I’ve lost count! Some of the CFT trainings I have completed include CFT for trauma, complex trauma/ personality disorder/ attachment trauma, groups, staff support, eating disorders, psychosis, self-criticism, the therapeutic relationship, and chairwork.

Dr Hayley D Quinn

Cannon Hill 4170 Meanjin (Brisbane) Australia

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

I been supervising other helping professionals since 2015 and have been a board approved supervisor since 2018. I have been trained since 2013 by leading expert practitioners and researchers in CFT including Prof Paul Gilbert, Dr Dennis Tirch, Dr Russell Kolts, Dr Chris Irons, Dr Deborah Lee, Dr James Kirby, Dr Marcela Matos and Dr Tobyn Bell. As well as the 3-day Introduction to CFT, which I have both attended and presented, overseas and alongside Prof Paul Gilbert in Australia, I have completed many advanced CFT trainings. Some of the other courses I have completed include but are not limited to: CFT Advanced Skills – Paul Gilbert, Compassionate Supervision: Enhancing Supervision with Compassion-Focused Therapy – Tobyn Bell, CFT for Trauma – Deborah Lee, Complex Cases – Paul Gilbert, CFT and the Therapeutic Relationship – Paul Gilbert. I have attended the 1st Annual Compassionate Mind Summit and Retreat in New York, learning from many leading experts in the field and also presented at the 2nd Annual Compassionate Mind Summit and Retreat in New York. I presented at the Compassionate Mind Foundation UK Conference 2019 and have presented CFT webinars for ANZ ACBS. I have a passion for practitioner self-care and use a compassion focused approach to assist practitioners to consider their own needs whilst working with clients in order to prevent burnout and develop sustainable ways to practice.

Wendy Wood

Derby, uk

Individuals, Online

I have a Postgraduate Certificate Compassion Focused Therapy (2012) I have peer supervision on a monthly basis I attend online group supervision monthly I attend 12 masterclasses in CFT per year as a result of my role as programme leader for the Diploma in CFT I attend the Compassionate Mind Foundation International Conference on an annual basis I have provided supervision for therapists of various orientations for over 20 years I have developed and delivered supervision training at level 7 (UK HE master’s level) I collaborate with colleagues to develop CFT supervision training for the Compassionate Mind Foundation

Charlie Heriot-Maitland

Balanced Minds, 1 Hill Street, Edinburgh

Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Online, In Person

