I am a Birmingham based Compassion Focused Therapist and Supervisor specialising in the use of CFT for complex trauma, personality and relational difficulties for groups and individual . I am the regional supervision coordinator for the Compassionate Mind Foundation and also run workshops for the Foundation and across the UK on CFT for Groups and Compassion Focused Staff Support and Supervision. I offer CFT supervision in groups and individually, including a monthly international Supervision Group for therapists involved in the provision of CFT groups. I have published data on Compassion Focused Group Psychotherapy and have completed a PhD in CFT at Birmingham University evaluating a 12 month CFGP programme for people with severe personality disorder. I am also involved in a number of UK wide research projects developing and evaluating Compassion Focused Staff Support Initiatives.
Therapist information
Msc - Phd
BABCP Accreditated THerpaist, Supervisor and Trainer, EMDR Accredited Practitioner
Individuals, Couples, Groups, Organisations
I have been working with and receiving training and supervision from Prof. Paul Gilbert and the Compassionate Mind Foundation since 2006. I have attended Introductory, Advanced, and Retreat workshops coupled with monthly supervision from Prof. Paul Gilbert. In addition I have attended over 15 CFT based workshops since completing the therapist training.