Gabriela Jones

Norra Allégatan, Göteborg, Sverige


Hi! I’m a licensed psychologist trained in compassion focused therapy ( CFT) at the University of Karolinska, Stockholm. I have my clinic in the central Gothenburg. I have regular supervision with Paul Gilbert, the founder of CFT. Welcome to contact me for therapy, courses or supervision in the method.

Kindly, Gabriela

Therapist information

Swedish, English and Spanish

Master degree

Licensed psychologist

Individuals, Groups, Organisations

CFT-program at the University of Karolinska Advanced courses in CFT regularly Attending CFT conferences Monthly supervision with Paul Gilbert Group program with supervision with Chris Iron

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Room 8, 72 Wilson Street, Derby DE1 1PL

Hi! I’m a licensed psychologist trained in compassion focused therapy ( CFT) at the University of Karolinska, Stockholm. I have my clinic in the central Gothenburg. I have regular supervision with Paul Gilbert, the founder of CFT. Welcome to contact me for therapy, courses or supervision in the method.

Kindly, Gabriela

Graham Mackay

Birmingham, UK

Hi! I’m a licensed psychologist trained in compassion focused therapy ( CFT) at the University of Karolinska, Stockholm. I have my clinic in the central Gothenburg. I have regular supervision with Paul Gilbert, the founder of CFT. Welcome to contact me for therapy, courses or supervision in the method.

Kindly, Gabriela

Dr Jennifer Wilson

Lime Grove Walk, Matlock DE4 3FD, UK

Hi! I’m a licensed psychologist trained in compassion focused therapy ( CFT) at the University of Karolinska, Stockholm. I have my clinic in the central Gothenburg. I have regular supervision with Paul Gilbert, the founder of CFT. Welcome to contact me for therapy, courses or supervision in the method.

Kindly, Gabriela