Lena Højgård Isager


Lena Højgård Isager

Østrevej 32, Aarhus, Danmark

I graduated in 1993 and have practised CFT therapy in a private setting since 2009. My main focus is to do therapy with people suffering from depression, anxiety and attachment issues due to being brought up in families with different kinds of difficulties as drug use or mental illness among parents. Prior to working in private practise I have been working in public servises aimed at alcohol related problems and in rehabilitation programs for people with brain damage. Since 2010 I have been running CFT workshops for psychologist and social workers from a broad range of servises, many dealing with drug related problems, rehabilitation after brain damage and mental illness. I do CFT supervision for individuals and groups, both in specific training settings for psychologists training to be CFT therapist and in servises for veterans, drug addicts, university students and brain damage.